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Q: Can Two Command Stations be used on One Layout?


Having two command stations active on the same layout will have interesting but scary results.

Only one command station is required for a layout. Additional boosters can be added if required. Many command stations will disconnect from the throttle network if another command station is detected.

Edit FAQ Related Articles: Booster, Command Station Categories: Beginner, Command Station, DCC

Q: Does zero stretching have an effect on normal digital operation?

None, unless you use it. When you are running an analog engine, the zero bits are stretched, which reduces the bandwidth of the system.

Edit FAQ  Categories: Beginner, Command Station, DCC

Q: What is "Shunting Mode"?

Shunting Mode is an optional feature for more realistic speeds when performing switching/shunting operations.

The purpose of a shunting or switching speed mode is to create a more realistic performance during switching operations. This mode is available in some multifunction decoders. By setting this CV, the top speed of the locomotive is usually reduced to half, and the acceleration and deceleration variables are changed as well.

This feature is more useful with a Road Switcher, as it is a multipurpose locomotive, usually employed on local freight trains. A speed table can be created for normal operations, and shunting mode engaged when switching operations are performed.

Read the documentation which came with the multifunction decoder for more information on this mode, and to determine if it is supported. As it is optional, the CV assigned can vary between manufactures.

Edit FAQ Related Articles: Switching Speed, Configuration Variables, Throttle Categories: Beginner, Throttle

Q: Can One Command Station Control Multiple Layouts?

Short answer: Yes. It's possible to control two (or more) separate layouts using a single command station. For instance, if you wanted to operate an N scale layout inside and a G scale outside. Most systems combine the command station and booster into a single unit. Either case, you connect one layout as normal, that is, connect the command station/booster to one layout. Then, you simply purchase a second power supply and booster for the other layout. The second layout will receive it's commands through the throttle network (LocoNet, XpressNet, etc). This allows you to have same, or different voltages for different layout sizes.

Assume we have an N scale layout in the garage. Since power requirements are low, we purchase a DCC system that outputs about 2 to 3 amps, and the voltage is set for N scale. We setup this layout as described in other parts of this website. A year later, we want to setup a G scale, or garden railroad in the backyard. To do this, all we do is purchase another power supply and booster for the second layout. Because the power is independent of the layout, we don't need to worry about the higher voltage from the garden railway making its way to the N Scale layout. To get the commands from the command station to the garden railroad booster, we simply connect the throttle network (such as ExpressNet, or LocoNet) to the booster. We now have two railroads being controlled from any throttle, at any location, with a cost savings by not having to purchase two command stations.

Edit FAQ  Categories: Beginner, Command Station

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