Product: 59925

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Summary: The LokPilot 5 Nano DCC is the twin of the LokSound 5 Nano DCC. It is exactly the same size as the corresponding LokSound decoder, but lacks the sound functions. The LokPilot 5 Nano DCC is equipped with the E24 interface, which will fit into many newly released N gauge locomotives.

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Prices for: 59925

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  • Midwest Model Railroad - $33.37 USD
    • Qty: 2, Condition: New, Update: Jun 12, 2024
  • The Scuderia - $28.69 USD*
    • Qty: 3, Condition: New, Update: Jun 12, 2024
  • Lombard Hobbies - $32.79 USD
    • Qty: 6, Condition: New, Update: Jun 10, 2024