JMRI/Error Codes

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Summary: Listing of JMRI Decoder Programming Error Codes

JMRI Error Codes

This table has the error codes you may encounter when using JMRI.

For full details and explanations, please see the JMRI Website's error codes

The most common error encountered is 301: No Locomotive Detected. This is often caused by dirty track or a bad connection.

JMRI Error Codes
301 No Locomotive Detected
302 Programmer Busy
303 Requested Operation not Implemented in Command Station
304 Aborted by User
305 Confirm Failed
306 Command Station Timeout
307 Unknown Error
308 No Acknowledgement from locomotive
309 Program Track Short Circuit
310 Sequence Error
311 Communications Error between Computer and Command Station
For full details see


Error 301

Typical cause: Dirty track, creating a poor connection. Cleaning the track usually solves this issue.

Error 302

The Programmer Busy error (302) is often caused by user impatience. Often triggered by clicking on a button such as Read Type from Decoder before the process JMRI uses to determine the decoder has completed. The status bar will indicate progress, JMRI often reads an extra set of crucial CVs after displaying the result.

Error 306

Command Station Timeout, its cause is often a user created 302 error.

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